Learn more about the community development organizations that work tirelessly to support increasing affordable housing.
The Up Center
The Up Center is the oldest, largest nonprofit family services organization in South Hampton Roads, VA, and provides more than 20 critical support services for kids and families.
HousingWorks RI
HousingWorks RI at Roger Williams University is an authoritative source of information about housing in Rhode Island.
Enterprise works with Congress, state and local governments, and other partners to safeguard, expand, and improve affordable housing and community development programs.
The National Community Reinvestment Coalition
NCRC works with community leaders, policymakers, and financial institutions to champion fairness and end discrimination in lending, housing, and business.
NHS of Baltimore
NHS of Baltimore sparks renewed vitality in neighborhoods by engaging community partners, increasing sustainable homeownership, and advancing innovative capital solutions.
SouthEast CDC
Southeast CDC promotes healthy, vibrant, and diverse communities in Southeast Baltimore through creative community development projects and proven programs.
HANDS of Central Florida
HANDS was founded to assist Central Florida communities to increase the supply and availability of affordable housing, both rental and ownership.
Centro De Apoyo Familiar
MASSACHUSETTSCentro de Apoyo Familiar or Center for Assistance to Families (CAF) is a nonprofit, HUD-approved comprehensive Housing Counseling Agency. We provide free educational workshops as well as a full range of housing counseling services.
Pawtucket Central Falls Development
PCF Development is a nonprofit that develops and manages affordable housing in Pawtucket and Central Falls, RI.
National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations
NACEDA is an alliance of 38 regional, state, and national community development associations in 25 states and the District of Columbia.
National Low Income Housing Coalition
NLIHC educates, organizes, and advocates to ensure decent, affordable housing for everyone.
Urban Edge
Urban Edge is a national leader in the community development field, known for innovation, and excellence. With its heart in Egleston and Jackson Squares, a vibrant, inclusive and culturally and economically diverse area of Boston, Urban Edge works with others across the City of Boston and region to promote high quality, sustainable, and affordable communities. Public, private, and nonprofit entities turn to Urban Edge for its advice and expertise, and as a partner in undertaking complex and transformative urban projects.